25 nov

Det känns nästan som att det är läge att fira. Det ser ut som att det går mot en upplösning i Syrien, utan att väst gett sig in direkt militärt. Och nu avtalet med Iran. Bilden som framträder allt klarare är att det är Israel, och de politiker i USA som sponsras av Israel, och Saudiarabien som är de verkliga hoten mot världen. Man får vara öppen för att omvärdera bilden av Obama en aning, han kanske inte är helt fjärrstyrd ändå. Det är säkert så att alla politiker på toppnivå är under allvarligt hot på ena eller andra sättet. De uppträder i alla fall som om de är det. Kanske pågår saker bakom kulisserna, att makten hos finansoligarkerna håller på att krackelera, som gör att fler vågar stå upp mot den värsta ondskan.
Som sådant här – Harbinger: 23 countries begin setting up swap lines to bypass dollar – och det som Karen Hudes pratar om, här en ny intervju som jag inte hunnit lyssna på ännu – Commitments for an Economic Breakthrough – Ellen Brown lär också medverka.
James Petras – Decline of the American Empire? Global Configurations of Power, The Swindle Economy and the Criminal State
Robert Fisk: Netanyahu is on his own now
Den här videon kan vara lämplig att fira med!
Stick Your New World Order Up Your Arse! Daz performing at Anon Demo at BBC Salford Quays 16th Nov 2013. Over a 100 Demonstrators under the banner of Anonymous Protested at the BBC to rebuke them over their lack of coverage of protests. They barely even mentioned 60,000 protesters at the recent Tory Party Conference in Manchester .



Krigshotet mot Syrien

All min uppmärksamhet har riktats mot Syrien den senaste veckan pga den dramatiska utvecklingen.
Länk finns till vänster till Syrienbloggen


Medianamnen på bilden kunde lika gärna bytas ut mot t.ex. Sveriges Radio Ekot och Aftonbladet. Det är Johan-Mattias Sommarström och Wolfgang Hansson vi ser i aktion.



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hotas Obama för sitt motstånd mot att bomba Syrien?


Det kan inte vara på något annat sätt än som jag skrev, det här ser mycket hotfullt ut. – Så rustar USA för krig i Syrien – Dessa de allra mörkaste primitiva makter som finns i bakgrunden är inte vana att inte få som dom vill, att de inte lyckats få bort Syriens president är något de upplever som outhärdligt.
Frågan är hur Ryssland, Kina och Iran m.fl. agerar om galningarna verkligen anfaller!?

slut på uppdateringen _________________________

Kanske man ska se den senaste veckans uppståndelse kring avslöjanden om hur omfattande USA’s övervakning är som en attack mot Obama. En påminnelse från de mörkrets makter som agerar i det fördolda i bakgrunden till Obama om att: ”tro inte att du är något undantag, vi kan sätta igång en teaterföreställning var helst vi så önskar med hjälp av medierna och våra CIA/Mossad/MI6-organisationer, och avsätta vem som helst, även dig!” – Nine Companies Tied to PRISM, Obama Will Be Smacked With Class-Action Lawsuit Wednesday
Anledningen till missnöjet med Obama skulle kunna vara hans motvilja mot att mer direkt blanda sig i Syrien-situationen och i stället arbeta mot en förhandlingslösning. Vilket det här är det starkaste beviset för!
Bill Clinton Claims Obama Will Look Like a Lame Fool and a Wus if He Doesn’t Bomb Syria – Appears to Threaten Him
En av dessa mörkrets makters mest pålitliga marionetter mer eller mindre hotar Obama:

Responding to a question from McCain about how he views Obama’s Syria policy, Clinton said that any president who avoids a military intervention in order to satisfy short-term political objectives would come to regret it in the end.

Och idag kommer då de här rubrikerna! – USA skickar vapen till rebellerna i Syrien

Obamaadministrationen har för första gången beslutat att ge direkt militär hjälp till rebellerna i Syrien. Beslutet kommer efter att USA nu anser det bekräftat att den syriska regeringen använt giftgas i striderna med sina motståndare.

Är det så att Obama gör ett försök att uppträda anständigt, att göra det rätta? I så fall får man justera den bild man haft av honom hela tiden, som en helgjuten marionett som helt viljelöst lyder finans-ayatollorna.

Webster Tarpley hade med det här citatet i en längre artikel nyligen – Britain, France prodding Obama into attacking Syria

“He’s afraid of what happened to Martin Luther King Jr. And I know from a good friend who was there when it happened, that at a small dinner with progressive supporters – after these progressive supporters were banging on Obama before the election, Why don’t you do the things we thought you stood for? Obama turned sharply and said, ‘Don’t you remember what happened to Martin Luther King Jr.?’ That’s a quote, and that’s a very revealing quote. McGovern spoke on WBAI’s show Law and Disorder this morning He was talking about his recent article calling Obama ‘a wuss’ and speculated that Obama had also placed John Brennan as head of the CIA out of fear that the CIA might turn on him, as it had on John Kennedy. I’m pretty convinced that the president of the United States is afraid of the CIA.” (Philip Weiss, “Obama told friends he reneged on progressive promises out of fear of assassination – former CIA analyst,” Mondoweiss, June 3, 2013)

Tarpleys artikel inleds så här –

On the eve of this year’s Bilderberg meeting, the Anglo-French intelligence bosses have clearly shown their hand with two high-profile attacks on Obama. Wednesday, June 5 marked the liberation of Qusayr, the great Stalingrad of the Syrian terrorist death squads deployed by NATO against Assad. With the rout of these terrorists, the main units of the self-styled Free Syrian Army, along with the Nusra branch of al Qaeda, are likely to face annihilation in the short to medium term.

On the same day that Qusayr fell, the British and French governments hysterically demanded that Obama undertake a total bombing campaign against Syria, whatever the consequences in regard to Russia and other powers. To his credit, Obama is continuing to say no to this lunatic Anglo-French neocolonial adventure. On that same June 5, the London-based daily The Guardian, in an article by the expatriate American Glenn Greenwald, hyped a court order from the secret FISA panel of federal judges showing that the US National Security Agency was routinely monitoring the telephone records (including time, locations, call duration, and unique identifiers, but not the contents of the conversations) of possibly unlimited millions of Verizon phone subscribers. Back in the US, reactionary talk show hosts began screaming “Obama taps your phones!”

Webster Tarpleys radioprogram 11 juni – Tell Obama: Hands Off Syria! Say No to British-French-State Dept. War Psychosis!


Evo Morales


Det är väl ingen alltför vågad gissning att hyenorna sen länge gjort sig beredda för att försöka utnyttja situationen i samband med Chavez’s död.

Scott Creighton – The Vile Vultures of the Washington Consensus Can’t Wait to Pick Hugo’s Bones Clean – President Chavez is Dead

As the civilized world grieves, the American Ghoul Class kicks into high gear frothing at the mouth and chomping at the bit to get into a thriving social democracy and chop it up for the bankers, Bechtel and Walmart. An entire nation of potential new slaves just waiting for the harvest.

Christof Lehmann – BREAKING NEWS: Venezuela´s Vicepresident Nicolas Maduro “President Hugo Chavez has died”

Venezuelan´s throughout the country are in mourning and in chock, expecting that the opposition, supported by imperialist forces from abroad, would be taking advantage of the situation.

Tony Cartalucci – US Plots Conquest of Venezuela in Wake of Chavez’ Death

The fate of Venezuela lies in its people’s hands. Covert destabilization must be faced by the Venezuelan people, while the alternative media must do its best to unravel the lies already being spun ahead of long-planned operations in ”post-Chavez Venezuela.” For the rest of us, we must identify the corporate-financier interests driving this agenda, – interests we most likely patronize on a daily basis, and both boycott and permanently replace them to erode the unwarranted influence they have used, and will continue to use against the Venezuelan people, as well as people across the globe.


Kort efter jag gjort det här inlägget kom beskedet att Venezuelas president Hugo Chavez avlidit. Och så fick jag syn på den här artikeln – US Embassy Officials Expelled from Venezuela, Government Warns of “Conspiracy Plans”

Vice-president Nicolas Maduro today denounced destabilisation plans by the international and Venezuelan right wing, announcing the expulsion of two US officials for threatening military security

Maduro made the announcement today just after midday, following a meeting this morning with Venezuela’s political military leadership.
Maduro pronounced the expulsion of diplomat David del Monaco, and Air Attaché Deblin Costal of the US embassy in Caracas for being implicated in “conspiracy plans”.
“They have 24 hours to pack their bags and leave,” Maduro said.
He explained that Monaco had, for the last few weeks, been contacting members of the Venezuelan military in order to bring about a destabilisation plan in Venezuela.

Maduro concluded his public announcement by saying, “Men and women loyal to Chavez, we’re going to continue with our duties, so that no single program for the people is held back”.
“Venezuela’s political and military leadership is united, we call on the people to close ranks, to unite forces, and to pray for our comandante,” he said.

slut på uppdateringen ________________

En politiker från den fria delen av världen – Evo Morales President of Bolivia on Syria, Iran and Imperialism – jag kan inte på rak arm komma på någon svensk politiker som talar så här självständigt och uppriktigt

En ny artikel med sydamerikansk anknytning – Adrian Salbuchi – Mafia State: The US is the Don Corleone of International Politics

South America – Venezuela in particular – has been the target of a coordinated campaign by the US government and private industry over the past few years. But those of us who have been paying attention know this is nothing new.
WikiLeaks recently published new documents showing that US global intelligence corporations like Stratfor and its foreign offshoot CANVAS worked hard over the past decade (aided and abetted by US Government agencies) in a failed attempt to overthrow Venezuela’s democratically elected president Hugo Chavez.


om Mali

Det är bra att jag inte vet vad för sorts partitillhörighet den här belgiske parlamentsledamoten har, bara lyssna på vad han säger! Mycket bra, något för svenska miljöpartister och vänsterpartister att ta del av, de andra partierna ser jag som att vara bortom allt hopp.
Om Mali och de andra kriminella krigen i storbolagens och bankirernas tjänst.

Rune Lanestrand – Svenska soldater till Mali?

Stephen Gowans – Fake Media Narrative: “Justifying Military Intervention” in Mali on “Humanitarian Grounds”

The intervention, of course, is far from legitimate. How can a French military operation in a North African country be legitimate, when not too long ago France undertook what was then called a legitimate intervention in another North African country, Libya, with the opposite aims:
• Not to support, but to topple a legitimate government;
• Not to stop the spread of radical Islam, but to help radical Islamists, some of them foreign jihadists, strongly connected to terrorist groups like Al Qaeda in the Islamic Maghreb, overthrow a legitimate government?

In other words, the Mali operation is the very antithesis of the Libyan one. Yet, according to state officials in France, the United States and Britain, along with their jingoist Western mass media cheerleaders, both interventions are legitimate. Where the Mali intervention protects a legitimate government, the Libyan intervention toppled one. Where the Mali operation opposes radical Islamists, the Libyan operation aided them.

William Engdahl – Pentagon’s Hand Behind French Intervention in Mali

Från en facebooksida

Taureg fighters loyal to Colonel Gaddafi disappeared into the Malian desert after the Nato-rat takeover of Libya. Now the fighting in Mali is driving them back to Libya.

Uranium Rush: African resource grab behind Mali mission?



om det stämmer som det sägs i den här artikeln – Petro Dollar Going the Way of the Dodo Bird as China Begins Selling Oil Using Yuan – så är det klart intressant. Det är verkligen spännande tider vi lever i …
I en annan artikel på sidan som videon nedan kommer från talas det tyvärr om en återgång till gulduppbackad valuta som en del av lösningen för ett nytt system. Lyssna på Bill Still i videon i inlägget från 2 sep nedan.

Video om det som ligger till grund för de flesta, om inte alla, konflikter och krig och annat elände runt om i världen. Försvaret av dollarns särställning som världsvaluta och att olja ska handlas i dollar. Jag tror att det är en i stort sett riktig bild som ges i videon. Allt som sägs finns utskrivet på – crisishq.com

The reason you haven’t heard of the petrodollar system is because our government wants you to think that we start wars to spread democracy.
However, if you want to distinguish truth from propaganda, if you want to know the real reasons behind the global conflicts in our recent history, you must first learn about the petrodollar system. Without this crucial piece of info, you will have a hard time understanding what really happened in Libya, what’s happening in Syria right now and what’s going to happen in Iran next.


Ellen Brown hos Max Keiser

Ellen Brown hos Max Keiser, i andra halvan av programmet, om hennes senaste artikel som togs upp i inlägget 2 juli nedan – Government by the Banks, for the Banks: The ESM Coup D’Etat in Europe – hon pratar om sin lösning på slutet, public banks. Och hon tror inte att bankirligan kommer att lyckas med det som verkar vara deras mål, en världsvaluta och ett världsstyre.

Fler tecken på den pågående kollapsen av västs ekonomiska system – Våldsamma protester mot sparpaket i Spanien – Russia Today – ‘Spain sacrificed to save dying banks’ – och styrelseproffset Caroline Sundewall i svd.se – ”Politiker måste säga ”glöm alla pensionslöften”, ingen politiker våga säga den sanningen i dag. De pensionslöften som finns kommer inte kunna infrias, men det finns ingen politiker som vill bli omvald som går ut och talar om den sanningen.” !! Ska det behöva gå längre än så här innan vi sparkar ut det gäng finansbaroner som terroriserar oss? Lyssna på Ellen. Och sen kan Sundewall och hennes kollegor börja packa och ge sig av.



William Engdahl kan väl inte ha rätt i allt? Men han är värd att lyssna på, om skuldslavsystemet som ligger till grund för vår civilisation, om Syrien mm. Han tror inte att det är någon större risk att det blir något anfall från USA/Israel mot Iran.

www.engdahl.oilgeopolitics.net – hans senaste bok Gods of Money

Lyssna på en intervju med honom idag på oneradionetwork.com


Högsta beredskapsläge! Sprid detta

VARNING! Dags för högsta beredskapsläge, viktigt att alla hjälps åt att sprida info om detta så mycket som möjligt.
En offensiv mot Syrien planeras, i stil med den mot Tripoli förra året. Den föregås av falska mediarapporter samtidigt som de lokala TV-stationerna slås ut och förproducerade föreställningar levereras av angriparnationerna. Nu är Ekot redan ute och förbereder genom att tala om kommande massakrer.

Varningen kommer från voltairenet.org – NATO preparing vast disinformation campaign

Member States of NATO and the GCC are preparing a coup d’état and a sectarian genocide in Syria. If you want to prevent these crimes, you should act now: circulate this article on the Internet and alert your elected officials.

In a few days, perhaps as early as Friday, June 15, at noon, the Syrians wanting to watch their national TV stations will see them replaced on their screens by TV programs created by the CIA. Studio-shot images will show massacres that are blamed on the Syrian Government, people demonstrating, ministers and generals resigning from their posts, President Al-Assad fleeing, the rebels gathering in the big city centers, and a new government installing itself in the presidential palace.
This operation of disinformation, directly managed from Washington by Ben Rhodes, the US deputy national security adviser for strategic communication, aims at demoralizing the Syrians in order to pave the way for a coup d’etat.

In 2011, France 24 served as information ministry for the Libyan CNT, according to a signed contract. During the battle of Tripoli, NATO produced fake studio films, then transmitted them via Al-Jazeera and Al-Arabiya, showing phantom images of Libyan rebels on the central square of the capital city, while in reality they were still far away. As a consequence, the inhabitants of Tripoli were persuaded that the war was lost and gave up all resistance.

Nowadays the media do not only support a war, they produce it themselves.


Double Standards

Double Standards med Afshin Rattansi från 9 jun, om upp olika ämnen men en intervju om Syrien tar upp andra halvan av programmet.

The war is on, the Western media are clamoring for an aerial bombardment of Damascus and the US, NATO and al-Qaeda units are ready for a wider war, and this edition of the show examines the Syrian crisis. Goldman Sachs ramps up its opportunity to create jobs in the White House, the Irish debate the pros and cons of the European Union’s austerity measures; and Syria’s developments are the major issues reviewed by Afshin Rattansi. Afshin also interviews Haitham Alsibahi from the Syrian Social Club to talk about the rapidly deteriorating situation in Syria. He will also comment on the recent massacre in Houla. 2012 Bilderberg Conference in Virginia, the US drone attacks killing innocent people in Afghanistan, Pakistan, Yemen and Somalia, the conspiracy against Julian Assnage’s Wikileaks, Tony Blair at the Levenson Enquiry


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Tarpley om världsläget

Webster Tarpley ger en sammanfattning och översikt av världsläget. Som det ser ut just nu så ser det lite trögt ut för västs finansimperium med sin Arab spring-satsning med att förstöra länder de upplever som olydiga.
Jag tycket att det är ett oklart läge nu. Vad kommer att ske? Om man ser till Brics-ländernas ökade självsäkerhet med planer på alternativ världsbank och att använda annat än US-dollarn för handel länder emellan. Och ekonomierna i USA och Europa som är fallfärdiga.


intervju med Lizzie Phelan

UPPDATERING: video med intervjun kan nu ses på Lizzie Phelans blogg

Lizzie Phelan har intervjuats av New York Times, mycket intressant, hon har skrivit ut hela intervjun innan de har publicerat sin version, de ska tydligen publicera en video i morgon – New York Times interview with Lizzie Phelan – Hon ger mycket bra svar inom ett mycket viktigt ämne, det är absolut dags att sluta se västmedierna som oberoende och objektiva på något sätt!
Hon befinner sig nu i Syrien och var i Libyen under tiden för NATO-bombningarna.

Why is the NYT concerned about my work for Russia Today and Press TV? I challenge you to find me specific examples of journalists that work for these organisations that have engaged in bad journalistic practise. Why are you not concerned about journalists who work for Al Jazeera that is funded by and reflects the foreign policy of the Qatari emir and royal family. Al Jazeera has been proven many times over in the past few months to have published false reports about events in the region, not least Libya.

How can their journalists be neutral when their employer hosts the largest US military base in the region, and has been responsible for sending thousands of fighters, weapons and a lot of money to kill and destroy in Libya and is now doing the same in Syria in addition to having called for Arab troops to invade the country. Likewise, I have yet to hear the NYT question the “neutrality” of journalists who work with the British state funded BBC, or journalists who work for the Murdoch Press which is well documented to have strong connections with all the major western powers which are responsible for the greatest violations of international law.



Terrordåd i Syrien

Se inlägget på syrienblogg.wordpress.com om terrorist-attacken i Damaskus idag som knähundsmedierna vill ska passera så obemärkt som möjligt!

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Alpha Kawu

* * *

Inlägg om Syrien lägger jag i en särskild blogg – syrienblogg.wordpress.com – medierna anfaller nu så intensivt och med så grova vinklingar och lögner så det krävs all moteld som finns att tillgå!


Rysslands utrikesminister

Vitaly Churkin är Rysslands FN-ambassadör och inte utrikesminister.


Ryssland utriksminister, Vitaly Churkin, om Libyen, Syrien, Iran. Vi lever i en tid då vi får sätta vårt hopp till Ryssland för att rädda oss från fortsatta militära aggressioner, mot Syrien och Iran t.ex., och kanske storkrig.

Syria and the New Model of International Transformations

Russia opened its presidency of the UN Security Council by circulating two draft resolutions on December 15 and 24. The first one, co-authored by Moscow and Beijing, called the Syrian administration to expedite reforms and expressed support for the Arab League’s efforts to defuse the crisis in Syria, including the deployment of a motoring mission in the country. Russian permanent UN representative V. Churkin rejected the West’s demand that references to the acts of violence perpetrated by extremists in Syria be omitted from the document and stressed that an arms embargo was not an option.
The international law and its key principles, to which the UN Security Council must strictly adhere, should serve as the foundation for the resolution of the Syrian crisis. Russia’s draft resolution banning the use of force by either side opens the only possible opportunity for a peaceful and legally sound settlement in Syria. Today’s priority should be to prevent the new model of international transformations from being put to work in Syria – otherwise, the sovereignty of a number of countries, not only Syria, will be threatened and hundreds of thousands of human lives would be exposed to serious risk.



Tony Cartalucci – 2011 – Year of the Dupe

A timeline & history: One year into the engineered ”Arab Spring,” one step closer to global hegemony.

The year 2011 was surely the year of the dupe. Youth enamored with lofty, naive notions of ”freedom” sold to them by corporate-fascist funded NGOs were brought into the streets to create chaos and division which was then capitalized on by covert political and even military maneuvering by the West and its proxy forces. In Egypt the nation is teetering on the edge of being fully integrated into the Wall Street/London international order, while a big-oil representative is enjoying his new position as prime minister of Libya. In Tunisia a life-long stooge of Western machinations is now president, and an alarming campaign of NATO-backed violence and terrorism is gripping Syria.

With the encirclement of Russia and China, these dupes have witlessly brought the world to the edge of World War III, and clearly done nothing at all to improve their own state of being…

Let us not ”hope” next year fairs better for free humanity. Let us with our two hands, our will, and our capable intellects ensure that it is better. The decision is not that of our ”leaders” or ”representatives,” it is the decision of each and every one of us and what it is we do with our time, our money, our resources, our energy, and to where we pay our attention – each and every day. Let us define where it is we want our destiny to take us, and start taking one step at a time to get there.

Let us wait no longer for ”saviors,” but rather look in the mirror and realize, God, the Universe, or whatever higher power you believe in, has already endowed you with everything you need, in your heart, your mind, and within your hands to prevail in whatever noble pursuit you, or ”we the people” choose.

från facebook-grupp om Syrien:

From News About Syria – English

#Syria #Latakia?The security forces raided yesterday at a house in Sleibe street, and arrested 12 terrorists and 11 laptops and advanced telecommunication devices… the terrorists are all from Homs and Daraa, and considered part of the most wanted in those two cities, some of them even declared his death on the revolution page on FB to delude the security forces.. but his trick didn’t succeed.

video – WTF is SOPA ? aka The American Government trying to ruin the internet
SOPA, är den europeiska motsvarigheten ACTA? De kriminella makthavarna gör allt för att kontrollera det där störande klientelet som kallas ländernas befolkning. ACTA-avtalet godkänt under fiskemöte – Fria Tidningen, ännu ett oacceptabelt avtal har myglats igenom medbedrägeriochojustametoder.

video med James Corbett – The Globalization of War – GRTV Backgrounder

A series of steps toward open confrontation with Iran, Syria and Pakistan have been making headlines for months now in both the alternative and mainstream media.

Covered as essentially separate stories, however, few have so far connected these supposedly isolated incidents into a larger story about the creation of a zone of instability that is in fact engulfing all regions of the globe. When such a picture is assembled, it becomes evident that any number of skirmishes and power grabs taking place around the planet are sparks that could eventually light the fuse on open confrontation of the world’s nuclear superpowers.

Mahdi Darius Nazemroaya – Iran and the Strategic Encirclement of Syria and Lebanon

According to the Turkish media, Francehas sent its military trainers into Turkey and Lebanon to prepare conscripts against Syria. The Lebanese media also suggests the same. The so-called Free Syrian Army and other NATO-GCC front organizations are also using Turkish and Jordanian territory to stage raids into Syria. Lebanon is also being used to smuggle weapon shipments into Syria. Many of these weapons were actually arms that the Pentagon had secretly re-directed into Lebanon from Anglo-American occupied Iraq during the George W. Bush Jr. presidency.


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terrorattentat i Syrien

Nästan samtidigt som den grupp från arabförbundet som ska göra observationer om läget i landet anländer till Syrien iscensätts kraftfulla terroristattentat i Damaskus. Naturligtvis försöker Cecilia Uddén misstänkliggöra Syriens regering för att själva ligga bakom, för att kunna visa arabförbundet och andra att det är som de säger, att det är terrorister som anstiftar våldet i Syrien. Mera troligt är nog att det är the usual suspects som i sina desperata försök att destabilisera landet försöker hitta nya sätt att trappa upp våldet. Det sägs ju att NATO’s Al Qaeda-legoknektar från Libyen nu är i Syrien för att hjälpa till!
Thierry Meyssan – Free Syrian Army commanded by Military Governor of Tripoli

The first one among them was al-Mahdi Hatari, a Libyan who lived in Ireland before joining Al Qaeda. At the end of the Libyan war, he was named commander of the Tripoli Brigade, then number 2 of the Tripoli Military Council headed by Abdel Hakim Belhaj. He resigned from this function, according to some because of a dispute with the Transitional National Council, according to others because he wanted to go back to Ireland to join his Irish wife [7] The truth is that he headed for Syria.

Thus the contradiction that was desperately kept hidden for the past decade returns to the surface: the mercenaries, formerly paid by Osama Bin Laden, have never stopped working in the service of US strategic interests since the first war in Afghanistan, including the period of the September 11 attacks. Yet they are portrayed by Western leaders as implacable enemies.

Facebook-grupp om Syrien idag.

Incase you didn’t see this yesterday.
Protesters in Idleb were raising the al-Qaeda flag.
Today…two car bombings took places.
You can put the pieces together.

sana.sy (otäcka bilder) – Two Terrorist Attacks Target State Security Directorate and a Security Branch in Damascus City

presstv.ir – Syria explosion death toll climbs to 55

Scott Creighton – “Al Qaeda” Attacks Syria or the CIA Attacks Syria? Which Makes More Sense?

News about Syria – The names of Syrian, Iraqi and Libyan Al Qaida leaders who entered Syria..

sana.sy – Analysts: The Twin Terrorist Attacks in Damascus Serve the Zio-American Plot

presstv.ir – Syria: UN rights report politicized

globalresearch TV – Syrian Death Toll Claim: Thousands Dead, Zero Verifiable Sources

Man måste se det som sker i Syrien i det större sammanhanget, de makter som finns bakom CIA, västs bank-finans-olje-militärindustriella komplex kör en desperat kampanj nu när deras banksystem står inför kollaps. De kan liknas vid ett sårat odjur, som är som farligast då och kan ta sig för vad som helst. Libyen är avklarat, vägen mot Iran går via Syrien. Och nu försöker man klumpa ihop Iran med Venezuela och Kuba också när man ändå är i farten. Lyssna på de amerikanska politikerna i början av den här videon, och tveka sen inte om vilka det är som är de farligaste, mest våldsbejakande extremisterna i världen.

Video 10 min från Russia Today – Deadly double suicide blasts shock Syria – en belgare, Lode Vanoost, för fram kloka synpunkter på slutet.

Två inlägg på Boiling Frogs – Back Story on Syria: Sibel Edmonds & Journalist Pepe Escobar – och Sibel Edmonds om Syrien på Russia Today idag.

En intervju med Webster Tarpley hos Bonnie Faulkner på Guns and Butter den 21:a dec om Syrien – ”NATO’s Assault On Syria”

och på tal om Syrien, jag har tagit bort mig från maillistan från protestgruppen avaaz.org, ännu en sk oberoende grupp som mist sin trovärdighet i mina ögon då de kör stenhårt på mainstreamlinjen om Syrien och nu kom med en egen dödsiffra som översteg de tidigare och som bara talar om våld från regeringen.

Tror att bilden man ger på larouche.se är i huvudsak riktig, i alla fall överlägsen den andra politiska partier ger – 2012: Året för Tredje världskriget – eller början på förnuftets tid?

Blint rusar lämlarna över stupen, men vad är skillnaden på lämlar och människor, om man inte tänker efter. Land efter land i Europa bryter samman. Lösningsförslagen är att dra ned på tillväxten, öka arbetslösheten, öka skulderna, minska demokratin och trycka sedlar i centralbankerna. Har vi inte sett detta förut i historien? Bankkris, skuldkris, åtstramning, diktatur och världskrig …

Sätts människor före banker genom en sådan riktad konkurs, raderas också den makt som finanssystemet (”marknaden”) har. Speciellt Londons City, dess allierade finanscentra i andra delar av världen och den fascistälskande brittiska imperieeliten skulle därmed förlora sin makt – och anledning – att starta världskrig. Det är så nationerna, deras politiker och väljare tar tillbaka makten från ”marknaden”. Det är så vi tillsammans, likt Franklin D. Roosevelt, på ett förnuftigt vis kan sätta arbetslösa i arbete och prioritera realekonomin 2012.




hur går det med Syrien?

Svenska medier fortsätter sina regelbundna propaganda-attacker mot Syrien, Ryssland och Kina bromsade upp västs ivriga regim-bytes-maskin genom veto i FN. Och nu spelar Ryssland, väl time-at som det ser ut, ut ett kort i form av ett eget förslag om hur man ska hantera läget i Syrien.
Enligt uppgift har ”väst” försökt köpa Syriens utrikesminister men misslyckats! Heder åt Al Moaalem (tror att det stavas så).
Sibel Edmonds på Russia Today, hon har fått uppgifter om att militär från NATO och USA finns nära gränsen til Syrien, och att de stött och beväpnat upprorsmakarna i Syrien i många månader.

Thierry Meyssan – NATO suspends military plans to wage all-out economic war against Syria

NATO is currently reviewing its strategy for Syria. After eight months of low intensity war and despite the infiltration of many Arab and Pashtun fighters, Syrian society has not fractured. To be sure, some religious clashes took place in Deraa, Homs and Banias, but they were not widespread and were short lived. For the Alliance, it is no longer realistic to think that it can rapidly foment a civil war to justify an ”international humanitarian operation.”

Christof Lehmann – The Manufacturing of the War on Syria

Turkey has as far as the author is aware of, been hosting, financing, arming and training members of the military wing of the Muslim Brotherhood, on at least one NATO base inside Turkey. Muslim Brotherhood insurgents have been responsible for many of the kidnappings of Syrian military officers, of the Attorney General of Homs, attacks on military bases and military as well as police personnel, an attack on a military hospital, as well as the murder of countless peaceful demonstrators in false flag operations that were blamed on the Syrian “regime”

Jordan is currently hosting a yet unspecified number of US troops that arrived over the recent days from Iraq. US troops have landed at the King Hussein Air Base near Al-Mafraq, only 10 km from the Syrian border, as well as at a military airport at the outskirts of Amman. US troop movements, observation posts, logistic nodes and equipment have been observed in and near the villages of Al Nadah, al Houssah, Zubaidiah, Albaej, at the Sarham Dam at the Yamoukh river and along the Syrian border in general.

Given the ongoing diplomatic climate, where neither Russia nor China dares to provoke the Bully with the Bombs, given the fact that non speaks loudly and openly out about the horrific war crimes committed under NATO command and by NATO in Libya, and given that neither Russia nor China have openly protested about NATO´s illegal and covert war in Syria is a sign for two phenomena.

Russia and China perceive the USA and NATO as gone mad and prone to go all the way, which would be a catastrophe not only for the region but for humanity. Russian and Chinese leaders are weary, careful not to provoke, attempting to appease the madman while trying to get him away from that red button. It is a sign for the fact that diplomacy is still an option but how long and at what cost. It is diplomacy while the worlds conventional and nuclear arsenals are on highest alert.It is a situation that can not and must not stand, and every one who stands for a civilized world where war is illegal and war criminals are brought to justice must decide if he wants to stand with Syria, or if he wants to fall into tyranny.

från facebook

Leader of Turkey’s Felicity Party (Saadet Partisi) Mustafa Kamalak affirmed that the United States is using the government of Recep Tayyip Erdogan as a tool to carry out its plans in the region, denouncing foreign interference in Syria’s internal affairs.

In a press conference, Kamalak said that the US was planning to attack Syria since last year, but upon finding that military intervention to be too costly, it tasked the Turkish government to carry out this mission.

He also criticized Arab, Turkish and world media establishments for the atrocities they committed during the Syrian crisis, holding them responsibility for the bloodshed and calling on channels and journalists to adhere to professional ethics.

Kamalak said that Turkish channels reported that Turkish pilgrims returning from Hajj were shot at in Syria, yet no pilgrim was actually injured.

He voiced rejection of the erroneous policies of the Justice and Development Party government and the manner with which it dealt with the Syrian crisis, stressing that resolving this crisis can only be achieved through dialogue, denouncing the calls for foreign interference in Syria’s internal affairs.

Pepe Escobar – NATO dreams of civil war in Syria

Every grain of sand in the Syrian desert now knows there won’t be a ”responsibility to protect”-enabled North Atlantic Treaty Organization (NATO) “humanitarian” intervention to provoke regime change in Damascus. A protracted war like in Libya is not feasible – even though those faultless democratic practitioners, the House of Saud, have offered to pay for it, lavishly.

Yet the fog of near war remains impenetrable. What is NATO really up to in Syria?


At the moment, the world, i.e., the whole humanity seems to have been pushed into probably one of the worst, the dirtiest, AND the most dangerous BUT the most DECEPTIVE, HYPOCRITICAL and MANIPULATIVE moment in the entire recorded human history.

For what’s happening right now in the very deceptive, divisive and manipulative US/Israel-controlled world affairs as in the cases of Libya, Syria, Iran could be easily (NO, DEFINITELY!) spilled over to other countries, areas and regions well beyond those presently physically-affected places in the Middle East and North African region.

However, Russia alone won’t be able to stop the economically-desperate thereby becoming more and more FRANTIC NATO power whose member countries have suffered the severest economic crises in their entire history of Western capitalism.[iv]

The all FIVE MEMBERS OF BRICS, NOT RUSSIA ALONE, must stand up to voice out together in UNITY to challenge the old colonial powers of the WEST, i.e., The NATO power!

OTHERWISE not only LIBYA, SYRIA, IRAN, EVENTUALLY the BRICS themselves all including China and Russia could be thrown into similar, if not the very same, fate where Libya, Syria, Iran are being forced into the darkest abyss NOW.


Publicerat i Syrien. 13 Comments »

krig är olagligt

Från England, mannen i videon menar att det inte är någon tvekan, det finns lagar som gör alla krig olagliga. Och att han har rätt, eller skyldighet, att låta bli att betala skatt när hans land inte följer lagen.

Anmälan av de ansvariga för det svenska deltagande i angreppet på Libyen avslogs, men en ny anmälan är på gång – highcrimes.org/sv/processen

Tänk hur det hade låtit i svenska mainstreammedia om länder som Ryssland, Iran, Syrien eller Kina hade gjort sig skyldiga till en bråkdel av vad Sverige med allierade gjorde i Libyen!
Peter Eyre – Britain and allies used WMD on Libya

It is clear that with the British media being totally censored we will never fully understand the consequences of this deplorable war that the United Nations had approved and its subsequent use of Weapons of Mass Destruction on the innocent population of Libya with an emphasis on the City of Tripoli. This was not a war to enforce a “No Fly Zone”, it was a war to force a “Regime Change” which is in violation of UN1973 and in doing so also breaches at least five articles of the Geneva Convention.

To fire over 18 Cruise Missiles (WMD´s) into the heart of Tripoli was certainly an act against humanity to which NATO and its command structure should be placed before the International Court of Justice. It was also a crime that was carried out right under the noses of the United Nations who stood by and did nothing to stop this genocide!

As we all know it didn´t just stop at the use of Cruise Missiles but also Bunker Busters, JDAM and Hellfire Missiles (as used by the Predators unmanned aircraft and also by the Apache Helicopters) all of which were in violation of the Geneva Convention based on the following criteria.

Timothy Bancroft-Hinchey – ”Outrageous and indefensible” was Britain’s massacre in Libya

Lisa Karpova – Nuclear war on the horizon

It might be the lazy way, to just sit and accept the utter bilge and lies coming from the mainstream western media when they report on events in Syria and Iran. But is it worth it? Would those who accept these lies still think it’s worth it, not to look for the truth, if they realize that we are heading straight for a third world war?

Infamous were the lies about weapons of mass destruction in Iraq and no less ridiculous were the claims that the Gaddafi government was ”killing its own people.” Now they say the same about Syria and accuse Iran of trying to use nuclear energy to make nuclear weapons.

In a court of law, if the judge catches you lying even once, he will totally disregard your case because you were caught in a lie. All it takes is just one lie. You have destroyed your credibility totally and forever in his eyes.

If I find out you’ve lied to me once, from that time forward you will have to prove you’re not lying again when you make claims, otherwise I have no reason to not think you are not just lying again.

So, too, any thinking person cannot take what the U.S. and Europeans say or claim as remotely even credible, along with their Israeli friends. In all cases, they have to prove they are not lying because all they ever do is lie.

It’s more a case of these entities projecting their own evil intentions onto their marked, targeted victims.

So people out there, don’t accept what they say at face value, not from PROVEN LIARS.


Publicerat i Libyen, Syrien. 1 Comment »


Om Syrien. Peter Eyre, a Middle East Consultant, from Birmingham in the UK.

Ny intervju med Webster Tarpley, nyligen hemkommen från Syrien – del 1del 2


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