
Det här med attackerna mot amerikanska ambassader tål att funderas över ett par varv extra. Att det inte är spontana protester triggade av den löjliga filmen är nog helt klart. Som ekot-olog (jämför med kremlolog) tolkar jag det att Ekot kört hårt med detta och ofta haft det som förstanyhet att det är de makter som kontrollerar västmedierna som ligger bakom. Hur man nu exakt ska definiera vilka det är, västs finans-ayatollors imperium med centrum i USA/Storbritannien/Israel. Just nu har man ett nytt inlägg om att franska ambassader stänger av rädsla för attacker efter att man tagit nya tag och publicerat nidteckningar i någon tidning. Tydligen är ”man” inte nöjda med utvecklingen, mer upplopp önskas. De frågor man kan ställa om vad som syftet är väl ungefär de som ställs på bloggen efter det som hände i Benghazi –Some kind of psy-op in Libya

There are many theories about ‘the death of the ambassador’, including:
1. Some group is trying to start a Third World War. A possible scenario
2. Gaddafi loyalists did it
3. Psyop Justification for Sweeping Imperialist Aggression
4. One of the main targets is Russia. (
4. Make the CIA’s Islamists once again appear to be the enemy. US Foreign Policy
5. Some group is trying to help the cause of Romney and Netanyahu. FALSE FLAG PSY OP – US AMBASSADOR ATTACK

Thierry Meyssan tror att det är Israels Mossad som ligger bakom, som ett sätt att visa sitt missnöje med att vissa i USA’s ledning inte varit tillräckligt följsamma. Han kommer här också med uppgifter om att 3 italienare som hade skjutit mot demonstranter och polis togs tillfånga just i början av oroligheterna förra året i Benghazi som ledde till störtandet och dödandet av Khadaffi och förstörelsen av det suveräna och oberoende Libyen! “The Innocence of Muslims”: Blasphemy as a Political Tactic (finns även på för mig krånglar ofta)

On February 15, 2011, Salafists organized in Benghazi a demonstration commemorating the massacre during which shooting erupted, an incident that marked the beginning of the Benghazi insurrection that opened the way to the NATO intervention. The Libyan police arrested three members of the Italian Special Forces who confessed to having fired from the rooftops on both demonstrators and the police to sew chaos and confusion. Held prisoner throughout the war that followed, they were released when NATO seized the capital and smuggled them out of the country to Malta in a small fishing boat on which I was also a passenger.

This time, the manipulation of the Benghazi crowd by Israeli agents had as its goal the assassination of the U.S. Ambassador, an act of war not seen since the Israeli bombardment of the USS Liberty by the Israeli Air Force and Navy in 1967. This constitutes the first assassination of an ambassador in the line of duty since 1979. The act is all the more grievous considering that in a country where the current central government is a purely legal fiction, the U.S. Ambassador was not merely a diplomat but was functioning as Governor, as the de facto head of state.

It should be emphasized that in the past few weeks, the highest-ranking U.S. military officers have entered into open conflict with the Israeli government. They have issued declarations signifying their intention to halt the cycle of wars begun after September 11 (Afghanistan, Iraq, Libya and Syria) and which, in light of the informal agreements of 2001, will expand further (Sudan, Somalia and Iran). The first warning shot occurred in Afghanistan, in August 2012, when two missiles were fired at the parked plane of General Martin Dempsey, head of the U.S. Joint Chiefs of Staff. This second warning turned out to be even more brutal.

Was the “Innocence of Muslims” a combined MOSSAD/CIA/MI5/DVD PSYOPS film? Part 2

The western intelligence services – US CIA – UK MI5/6 – German DVD – Israel MOSSAD have created so many false flags and press releases of total misinformation it is now bordering on becoming pathetic and certainly is now insulting the intelligence of ordinary people around the world.

The latest propaganda film, compliments of the CIA, otherwise known at “Innocence of Muslims” did exactly what the intel people were hoping for……to stir up all those of Islamic faith, get them to turn out in mass in many cities and cause disruption.

Eyewitnesses: no protest at U.S. consulate in Libya before attack began (Video)

A 27 year old Libyan security guard, that was present when the attack on the U.S. consulate in Benghazi, Libya broke out, who asked that his name be withheld to protect his identity, was interviewed Thursday in the hospital where he is being treated for five shrapnel wounds in one leg and two bullet wounds in the other, and said that ”all was quiet” prior to the attack on the U.S. consulate in Benghazi, Libya, and that there were no protesters before the attack began.

The security guard said, ”there wasn’t a single ant outside”, and that the entire area, including the main areas of the compound, were quiet, until about 9:35 PM, when as many as 125 heavily armed men, some carrying weapons including anti-aircraft weapons, machine guns, rocket propelled grenades, and grenades, descended on the compound.

Benghazi militia deny attack on consulate

Cynthia McKinney – The Unspoken Truth Regarding the Killings in Libya

Se också – för mer om detta, och övriga länkar och video som Dan lämnat i kommentarer till inlägget den 13 september nedan.



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