utländsk invasion av Libyen förestående?

UPPDATERING, 21 jan – presstv.ir – US deploys 12,000 troops in Libya

The United States has sent some 12,000 soldiers to Libya, in the first phase of deployments to the oil-rich North African nation.

According to Asharq Alawsat, the troops landed in the eastern oil port city of Brega.
Although the deployment is said to be aimed at generating stability and security in the region, the troops are expected to take control of the country’s key oil fields and strategic ports.

Någon som säger sig vara från Malta skriver i en kommentar på en annan sida att några 12 000 amerikanska soldater finns inte på Malta, men att han ska hålla ögonen öppna.

As a resident of Malta, I can guarantee you that there are no 12,000 US troops here: http://andreasmoser.wordpress.com/2012/01/17/12000-us-soldiers-on-malta/ – But I will keep my eyes open for you.


Är detta ett led i att förbereda oss på att utländska trupper behövs i Libyen? Ska man skydda civila nu igen? sverigesradio.se – Libyska milisstyrkor i strider under helgen”I Libyen rapporteras rivaliserande milisstyrkor under helgen ha stridit söder om huvudstaden Tripoli. Enligt AFP har minst två människor dödats och 39 skadats efter att både handeldvapen och granater använts.”


Cynthia McKinney, fd presidentkandidat för det gröna partiet i USA, kommer med illavarslande uppgifter. Enligt rapporter hon fått har Obama skickat 12 000 soldater till Malta, med destination Libyen! Motståndsrörelsen gör tydligen framsteg i Libyen, och dessutom förekommer fientligheter mellan olika fraktioner av de tidigare sk rebellerna.

.. reports are that even while the Misrata rebels (NATO allies responsible for the murder of hundreds of Libyans, including Moatessem Qaddafi) attempted to scale the petroleum platforms in Brega (an important oil town in Libya), they were annihilated by the Apache helicopters of their own NATO allies. A resistance Libyan doctor-become-journalist reported yesterday that all of the petroleum platforms are occupied by NATO and that warships occupy Libya’s ports. Photographs show Italian encampments in the desert with an announcement that the French are to follow. Another news outlet reports that Qataris and Emiratees are the engineers now at the oil plants, turning away desperate Libyan workers.

I hope the report that I’m reading from 12 January 2012 is not true. I hope our President has not sent 12,000 troops of occupation to Malta destined for Libya.

Uppgifter från annat håll stöder McKinney’s farhågor, från resisting4ever.wordpress.com – Foreign boots on the ground

Today I received an email from a dear friend and, although some parts had been lost in translation, I want to tell you about it, because approximately it says the following:

«NTC has recently signed under the table an agreement with the United Nations, more precisely on the 10th of January, where it officially authorizes the entry of foreign ground troops inside Libya’s territory . All Libyans, friends or enemies, who reject foreign intervention in Libya Affairs should unite their voices and protest against this occupation. NTC rushed into signing this infamous agreement as a matter of urgency due to the irrefutable fact that , without foreign involvement it is unable to govern the country . Under the pretext of disarmament , NTC now says that without foreign intervention it will not be able to control its armed militias (1)* and it agrees foreign troops should officially occupy the country. All this was agreed, without any discussion with representatives of the tribes, by those expatriates and outsiders, that were brought into public office as part of the conspiracy against freedom, right from the start till the very end.»

Videon nedan som visar den sönderbombade staden Sirte, finns i ett annat inlägg, på resisting4ever.wordpress.com, där en person som bor i Libyen berättar.

Most media are now reporting that rebels are out of control, even Jalil had already officially stated that they can’t control rebels/militia, because they are heavily armed…They can not control and they want US to help them in that particular issue. I hate them so much, it will be a disaster! NTC and USA are working on the plan to bring ground forces in Libya (probably at the beginning of February).
USA wants to bring AfriCom inside Libya, they want to control our money and our resources, they’ve always wanted us to accept AfriCom so that they would control all our money etc… etc. Gaddafi had even already agreed to step aside, but USA had another mission in Libya.

Cynthia McKinney tipsar också om ett par filmer som verkar viktiga. Jag lägger in en här, av Cindy Piester om Dick Cheney och andra mörkrets makter i USA.

Den andra är om upprinnelsen till Libyen-insatsen och om Amnesty, som senare erkänt att vad de förde fram som sanning enbart baserades på rykten



Publicerat i Libyen. 2 Comments »

2 svar to “utländsk invasion av Libyen förestående?”

  1. Motvallsbloggen » Frihetsrörelserna, dagens politik och om att man inte tänker på hur gammal man är Says:

    […] Den som vill läsa något nytt om ett av dessa återkolonialiseringsobjekt, nämligen om Libyen kan göra det på StAns blogg; Utländsk invasion av Libyen förestående? […]

  2. Kerstin Says:

    Ruggigt om det är sant.

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