video om Libyen

En video som grundligt går igenom inledningen till årets oroligheter i Libyen. Det är detta som är det viktiga, den falska grund som angreppet byggdes på utreds. Den här borde alla svenska politiker i beslutande ställning titta på så att inte det fruktansvärda misstag de gjorde upprepas någonsin – ! från

Russia Today, 19 april – Gaddafi Was Not Deliberately Killing Civilians, Victim of Conspiracy Between Western Powers and Rebels

Christof Lehmann, 23 dec – Libya, a brief situation report before the holidays

”The humanitarian situation in Libya remains disastrous, with wide spread lack of basic food and medicines, unstable electricity and water supplies. Many of the countries schools and educational facilities remain closed or functioning on a minimum level of activity. Libyans reporting to nsnbc report of scores of children suffering from psychological trauma. Families are destabilized, and the internalization of the conflict is resulting in problem solving difficulties on individual, family and community level.”

Libya – A new face of failure of the NTC tribes and militias

Arriving early, at dawn yesterday morning on the sly in Tripoli, president of NTC Moustapha Abdeljelil had invited the media out, all the chiefs and heads of gangs or militias. A secret visit which began around 5 am when his descent on the tarmac of the military airport of the Libyan capital. Considering that heavy fighting continued with violence between rebels and militias Zenten still controlled Tripoli International Airport, Moustapha Abdeljelil could not do otherwise.

Russia Today – From Tripoli to Damascus: Arab wild geese take wing

Libya’s former rebels are urging Syrians to follow their revolutionary path. Hundreds of mercenaries, some of them former terrorists, are ready to take up arms again to help overthrow President Assad.

Michel Chossudovsky m.fl. – Libya and ”The Arab Spring”: Neoliberalism, ”Regime Change” and NATO’s ”Humanitarian Wars”

Webster Tarpley hos Alex Jones 25 dec om ekonomin och världsläget.

George Monbiot – This bastardised libertarianism makes ‘freedom’ an instrument of oppression

Modern libertarianism is the disguise adopted by those who wish to exploit without restraint. It pretends that only the state intrudes on our liberties. It ignores the role of banks, corporations and the rich in making us less free. It denies the need for the state to curb them in order to protect the freedoms of weaker people. This bastardised, one-eyed philosophy is a con trick, whose promoters attempt to wrongfoot justice by pitching it against liberty. By this means they have turned ”freedom” into an instrument of oppression.


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2 svar to “video om Libyen”

  1. Motvallsbloggen » Så här var det i Libyen – journalister skäms ni inte? Says:

    […] har åstadkommit i Libyen och allt ont man drabbat den libyska befolkningen med under året (tack Stan för tipset). Att kalla det som hände i Libyen för “att skydda civila” är en lögn som även […]

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