England, Libyen

Nu är det nog ingen tvekan om att upploppen i England underblåsts av de som troligen ligger bakom i stort sett all djävulskap som händer på vår jord, någon sorts hemlig säkerhetstjänst från Storbritannien, USA eller Israel (i detta fallet då troligen de förstnämnda). I och med att ledningen i England direkt använder upploppen för att försöka hitta en chans att misstänkliggöra internet, det största hotet mot mörkrets makter bakom kulisserna!
infowars.com – UK Riots: Gov’t Mulls Kill Switch For Twitter & Facebook, Army On Streets

“Free flow of information can be used for good. But it can also be used for ill.” Prime Minister David Cameron said during today’s emergency meeting of Parliament.

“Everyone watching these horrific actions will be struck by how they were organised via social media.” Cameron said.

Det hela följer det väntade mönstret.
London Riots a Black OpUK riots, inside job?

Franklin Lamb rapporterar från Libyen om de brott som Sveriges ledning är inblandade i. Förutom alla människor som bombas ihjäl och förstörelse av telekommunikation och TV-hus mm, så ser NATO/väst till att bensin inte når fram, vilket orsakar stora problem. Elförsörjningen har saboterats av de onda inkräktarna, och det kan man ju tänka sig vad det innebär i den olidliga hettan, för kylskåp och luftkonditionering.

Franklin Lamb – Dispatch From Tripoli, Where Have Libya’s Children Gone?

Barack Obama and the evil of the two lessers

.. before a situation can be successfully challenged or changed, it must first be recognized for what it really is.

The situation affecting the people of this nation and planet is dire, and it will not change of its own accord, nor will it be changed by those who have caused the situation. As our planet is dying, politicians are lying. Barack Obama is not the only purveyor of lies, austerity, wars, and the killing of our planet—Mother Earth. It’s just that for the moment, he is, as the mouth and face of the corporate/military U.S. Empire, the most dangerous politician on earth. Yet, his Democrat and Republican party cohorts are also dangerous as they continue to serve and drink from the trough of their corporate masters and play their phony games with each other in order to fake-out the people of this nation. It is time to utterly reject the two lessers [i.e. the Democrats and Republicans] and the systemic evils which they represent and perpetuate.

Our human obligation and responsibility is to spread the message. To remind ourselves, each other, and yes, even those that we may not yet know—that it does not have to be this way and it must not be allowed to remain this way!

We must collectively and creatively take back this nation and this planet from the avaricious corporations and the purveyors of wars, and global environmental disaster. We must work with our everyday brothers and sisters around the globe, for this nation is not an island; it is a part of the human family. And it is time that we reclaim that humanity.

Onward then, my sisters and brothers! Onward!


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