23 okt – Ukraina

Rysslands försvarsminister har idag haft telefonsamtal med motsvarande ministrar i USA, Storbritannien, Frankrike och Turkiet. Det handlar om att Ryssland har uppgifter om att Ukraina tänker använda en sk dirty bomb, någon sorts bomb med radioaktivt innehåll. Man kan tänka sig att detta kommer att göras om till att Ryssland har använt kärnvapen, vilket kan användas som ursäkt för en massiv inblandning och attack av väst mot Ryssland. Detta ligger också i linje med upprepade uttalanden om kärnvapen från västledare och västmedier, påståenden om att Ryssland hotat att använda sådana, vilket man inte gjort, man har bara förklarat sin ståndpunkt att kärnvapen bara används som en sista utväg om landets existens hotas.
Något riktigt otäckt verkar vara på gång. Det finns nog ingen anledning att ha några förhoppningar om att makterna bakom väst tänker gå med på någon sorts förnuftig lösning på detta. En fortsatt upptrappning är mer trolig.
rt.com – Moscow warns Paris of ‘dirty bomb’ provocation risk

The warning of a possible false flag attack by Ukraine came during talks between the Russian and French defense chiefs
The Russian defense minister has shared concerns with his French counterpart of a possible provocation by Ukraine with the use of a “dirty bomb”. According to the Russian Defense Ministry, Sergey Shoigu and Sebastien Lecornu spoke by phone on Sunday, discussing “the situation in Ukraine, which is consistently veering towards further uncontrolled escalation”.
Shoigu, in an apparent reference to previous media reports, voiced concerns about a “possible Ukrainian provocation” which could involve the use of a “dirty bomb.” Earlier on Sunday, RIA Novosti cited “sources in different countries including Ukraine” as saying that Kiev is preparing to detonate “a dirty bomb or a low-yield nuclear weapon” on its own territory. According to the Russian news agency, the goal would be to accuse Moscow of using weapons of mass destruction in a ploy to “launch a powerful anti-Russia campaign”.
The report claimed that two Ukrainian institutions have already been tasked with manufacturing a “dirty bomb,” with the work now at “the final stages.” Meanwhile, Ukrainian President Vladimir Zelensky’s administration is reportedly engaged in behind-the-scenes talks with British officials in a bid to secure the transfer of nuclear arms components to Kiev.
A so-called dirty bomb uses a conventional explosive combined with radioactive material. While it could not rival a nuclear warhead in terms of power, such a device could disperse a radiation cloud within several kilometers of the explosion.
The talks between Shoigu and Lecornu come days after the Russian defense minister had a rare telephone conversation with US Secretary of Defense Lloyd Austin. While the details of the talks are scarce, the sides are said to have discussed “issues of international security, including the situation in Ukraine.”
France has joined Western sanctions against Russia over the Ukraine conflict and has supported Kiev with various weaponry. However, President Emmanuel Macron has on numerous occasions urged Moscow and Kiev to return to peace negotiations, reiterating that the conflict can be settled only diplomatically.

tass.com – British, Russian defense ministers discuss situation in Ukraine

The Russian defense ministry said earlier in the day that Shoigu had shared Russia’s concerns over Ukraine’s possible provocations with the use of a dirty bomb with Wallace

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