Sverige drar sig äntligen ur kriget i Libyen

Trots att Ekot rapporterade den 6:e oktober att NATO vill att Sverige fortsätter sitt deltagande i kriget mot Libyen så avslutas nu den svenska insatsen den 24:e oktober. Av artikeln i DN att döma så är det socialdemokraterna som inte vill ställa upp på krigsförbrytelserna längre. Nu är det upp till oss, det svenska folket, att se till att det var sista gången svensk militär användes för angreppskrig! Det får inte ske igen, t.ex. om psykopaterna skulle ge sig på Syrien eller Iran eller något av de andra länderna som de inte kan låta bli att fixeras av och hota.
Hilarious Clinton har varit på ett besök i Tripoli, strängt vaktad av massor av vakter och militär, och spridit nya mordhot omkring sig. Hon vill att Khadaffi grips död eller levande.
Christof Lehmann – Clinton Cluster Bombs and Claims of Victory

If any of the media that were present at the photo opportunity with Jibril would honor the ethics of their trade, what would have been on the headlines and front pages today would be “Rogue State Hillary Calls for catching Legitimate head of State in Libya Dead or Alive” or what about “Hillary at Humanitarian Photo Op in Hospital while NATO bombs Bani Walid with White Phosphor Bombs“.
But no, the western corporate media are compliant and fulfilling precisely the function they are designed to fulfill, to keep the populations of the west in a comfortable state of slumber and illusion.

Lehmann spekulerar också om att det faktum att Sverige drar sig ur insatsen kan vara ett försök att få det att se ut som NATO gör framsteg så att den svenska insatsen inte behövs. Jag tror i så fall att det är en konstruktion efter att sossarna insett hur grotesk situationen är i Libyen och för många i partiet satt sig på tvären. Kan möjligtvis den låga mediakampanjen mot Juholt nyligen ha något att göra med Libyen-beslutet? Att Juholt kanske var emot fortsatt deltagande och skulle läras vem det är som bestämmer?
Det kommer också påståenden om att diverse förbjudna vapenslag används i desperation av NATO/väst.

A Libyan reporter for nsnbc could inform that Bani Walid has been under massive attack from both land and air. TNC troops reportedly succeeded at securing an industrial district of Bani Walid, paying the price of massive casualties, and only after NATO planes used FAE bombs, that disperse a cloud of microscopic fuel particles in the air before exploding. The same weapon has previously been used by Israel, against civilian targets in Beirut. The reporter also witnessed the use of cluster ammunitions and phosphor.
Also other sources report of NATO´s use of inhumane and illegal weapons against Bani Walid. Algeria ISP reported of the use of White Phosphor against Bani Walid.White Phosphor and FAE bombs are hardly weapons one would expect to be used by forces who just have to fight down a few remaining pockets of resistance.

Timothy Bancroft-Hinchey – Libya : NATO war crimes charges

Is NATO using forbidden weaponry in Libya Below is video footage of what is purported to be attacks using white phosphorous (as it did in Kosovo, as it did in Iraq)? The graphic images of the effects upon human beings this horrific substance are too horrendous for us to place here, but a search will reveal the demonic mindset involved in deploying this substance. But then again with NATO, is anyone really surprised?

Dan Glazebrook intervjuar den italienske journatisten Fulvio Grimaldi som just kommit tillbaka efter ett besök i Libyen – Bloody Spring

I began by asking Grimaldi how closely his recent trips to Libya matched the impression given in the mainstream media:

“Not in the least. I personally visited areas around Tripoli where Gheddafi had allegedly “bombed his own people”, but not a bomb had fallen before Nato started its attacks. And this was confirmed by Russian spy satellites. Wherever I went – only in the company of other Fact Finding officials, talking freely to people of my choice, and stopping wherever I wished – I came across multitudes of young and old, men and women, who declared themselves committed to Gheddafi. They are the people who withstood a 7 month war by 27 military powers who had promised a two-week victory, those who defended Tripoli for over a week, those who today hold out in Sirte, Bani Walid, Sabha, Kufra and in 75% of the still free national territory – against genocidal bombings, special Nato troops and mercenaries.”

This is clearly not the picture we have come to expect from the media – the play-school image of a ‘people united against a dictator’. To what does Grimaldi attribute such high levels of support for Gheddafi?: “The UN explains it in its 2010 report: Libya was the top country in Africa on their Index of Human Development: for life expectancy, education, health, housing, children, the elderly, women. Free schools and hospitals, free housing, free drinking water for everybody, modern infrastructure, the oil revenue distributed to the people – and independence and dignity.” This was what Gheddafi represented to many – and NATO’s bombing only seemed to harden these attitudes: “thousands of civilians murdered by bombs, missiles, Western terrorists and mercenary throat-cutters. What does one think the wanton destruction of all infrastructure, hospitals, schools, factories, waterpipes, homes, may have produced in the attitude of 6 million Libyans and 2 million well-treated, dignified migrant workers?”

Motvallsbloggen – Vad är sanning och vad är lögn av det som sägs om Ghadafi?

Annie Machon som tidigare jobbat år säkerhetstjänsten i Storbritannien om hyckleriet och lögnerna om Libyen.

Hilary Clinton uppmanar till mord, för ett par veckor sen mördades en amerikansk medborgare som satts upp på den amerikanske presidentens dödslista utan några anklagelser om brott! Nu kommer uppgifter om att Awlakis 16-årige son och dennes kamrater dödades i samma attack!

Obama Has Awlaki’s 16-Yr-Old Son, Friends Killed at Dinner

The extra-legal assassination of New Mexico cleric Anwar al-Awlaki was certainly controversial in its own right, but reports about the assassination targeting some sort of terrorist convoy seem to be crumbling under evidence and the number of children killed in the attack.

Among the slain was also Abdel-Rahman Awlaki, Anwar’s 16-year-old son, one of his cousins Ahmed Abdelrahman Awlaki, and several of their friends,



Publicerat i Libyen. 2 Comments »

2 svar to “Sverige drar sig äntligen ur kriget i Libyen”

  1. stefan Says:

    Tiderna är som monte pythons som dokumentärfilm. Vad ska man säga?

  2. Kerstin Says:

    Så får vi se vad som händer nu när Ghadafi i skjuten och död.

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